So pitiful: The dog was аЬапdoпed on the side of the road waiting for a new owner to love

A dog was abandoned on a bridge in Vietnam. They left him tied to the railing unable to move. Luckily the bridge is in the middle of a busy road so someone was able to observe the pup and called a group of rescuers to help.

Rescuers answered the call and didn’t hesitate to drive to where the dog is, but they had to walk a long way to get there.

When they arrived on the spot, they could see that the road was very busy, the dog was alone, tied to the bridge and without receiving help.

An abandoned dog on a bridge

chien abandonné pont

Seeing how far the dog was, rescuers concluded that its previous owners had left it there so that it could not return home. Wherever his old home was, it was now very far from him and he didn’t know anyone around him.

chien abandonné

For the puppy, it was very strange to have changed his life so drastically, and he probably didn’t understand anything, but he was very unwell and nervous. Plus, he was on a bridge, with a strap around his neck, uncomfortably tied to the metal railing, exposed to sun and water.

chien abandonné route

To top it all off, a video shows that the makeshift leash was a hose that was attached in a way that prevented the dog from resting its head. The poor man was too shocked, alone, scared, and perhaps very traumatized by living this painful ordeal and this type of cruel abandonment.


The rescuers had a lot of work ahead of them, as they had to earn the dog’s trust to help him and bring him to safety. Then one of them started to comfort the dog to get a little closer, but the animal was a bit elusive and scared.

Friandises pour chien