Deepak Paswan, a resident of one of the least developed regions in India, was born with a rare medicalcondition that made him a spectacle. He had a parasitic twin attached to his abdomen, resulting in himhaving four legs and four arms but only one head.

In the vicinity of Deepak’s village in Bihar, Hindu worshippers used to visit his home to honor him as arepresentation of Vishnu, who is often depicted with multiple limbs. However, behind the scenes, Deepakendured constant pain.

Uncomfortable with the attention their son was receiving, Deepak’s family made a public appeal forassistance in removing the additional limbs. Their plea was answered when a hospital in Bangalore,located in the southern part of the country, stepped forward and offered to cover the costs of thecomplex and perilous procedure. This opportunity was a turning point in Deepak’s life.

The surgery to remove Deepak’s extra limbs was a challenging task. It involved a rare and intricateprocedure that lasted for over eight hours. A team of 40 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses,and anesthesiologists, worked diligently to ensure its success.