The Fridge Ninja: The hilarious adventures of the mіѕсһіeⱱoᴜѕ crawling cat that Ьгeаkѕ through cabinets and craves food

The majority of cat owners prioritize their pet’s weight as the most important factor. Nevertheless, some cats are able to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle without realizing that their size may cause concern for their owners. In Bristol, England, there is an amusing black-and-white feline who has managed to consume any edible item he can get his paws on, which led his owner, Sara Matthews, to install child locks on the fridge to prevent him from gaining weight. However, this clever and mischievous cat has managed to outsmart the locks and continues to indulge in his favorite treats.

Keith was once a stray cat suffering from malnutrition and digestive issues. When Sara’s daughter turned ten, she decided to do something meaningful to aid her daughter’s autism. As a result, Sara opened her heart and home to the needy kitty. However, Keith’s mischievous nature led him to explore the fridge and cabinets in search of snacks every night.


The family noticed that their feline had an insatiable appetite for food, prompting Sara to buy some locks in order to prevent him from overindulging. According to Sara, the cat had a tendency to rummage through bins and even eat unusual items such as vegetables and pizza crusts from neighbors’ trash.

The lady expressed her concern about her pet’s behavior of getting inside the fridge whenever it opened. She was afraid that the pet would eventually get stuck inside without anyone noticing. Consequently, she resorted to storing the pet’s food in plastic containers with secure click-down lids. She also mentioned trying puzzle feeders to regulate the pet’s eating speed, but it didn’t work as the pet ended up tipping them over.

Keith, a 9-year-old feline, has spent the past 7 years bulking up into quite the chonky cat, causing concern for his owner. According to Sara, Keith’s human, he continued to gain weight despite their efforts to manage his diet. They later discovered that he had been sneaking into the neighbors’ garbage cans in search of more food. Unfortunately, Keith’s weight issues have been further complicated by his need for antibiotics, which cause him stomach problems and require an appetite stimulant to encourage him to eat. This only exacerbates his weight concerns.

Sara shared that they have dedicated a considerable amount of money to take care of their cat over the years. When he was still a kitten, he suffered from eye and ear issues, which required extensive medication. They also used a special type of cat food that cost £70 per bag for three years. Recently, they spent £2,500 on blood tests to check if their cat has Cushing’s disease or diabetes, but fortunately, the results came back negative.

Sara went above and beyond to care for her beloved cat, despite the significant amount of money and emotions she invested. Unfortunately, when she shared Keith’s progress photos and weight loss journey on social media, she did not receive the validation and support she was hoping for.

Sara shared that they receive negative comments on the internet and that in the past, if she had seen a cat of his size, she would have assumed they weren’t taking good care of him or feeding him too much. However, they consulted with a veterinarian nutritionist who confirmed that they had done everything possible for their feline companion. Sara spoke from a place of sincerity when conveying this information.

Even though Keith’s weight remains a concern for Sara, she is happy to see that her cat is still healthy and content. Keith has gained quite a following on Instagram with almost 95,000 followers eagerly anticipating his next photos. Sara’s other two cats also provide a great opportunity for her daughter to develop social skills.

Unbeknownst to her, Sara was dealing with a feline mastermind in Keith. In an attempt to keep him out of a bag, she placed it in front of a cabinet. However, Keith’s intelligence and tenacity proved too formidable as he bypassed the obstacle by using his hefty 24-pound body to move the bag aside.

According to Sara, her cat Keith is quite content and doesn’t seem to be bothered by his weight. Despite being on the heavier side, he lives a regular feline existence and appears to be happy and active compared to her other two cats.

May Sara’s family be blessed with happiness, health, and boundless love, under the care of God and Keith, who stands against any potential threat to their safety.

Unbeknownst to her, Sara was dealing with a feline mastermind in Keith. In an attempt to keep him out of a bag, she placed it in front of a cabinet. However, Keith’s intelligence and tenacity proved too formidable as he bypassed the obstacle by using his hefty 24-pound body to move the bag aside.