The Heartwarming Tale of a Grateful Mama: Affectionate Pregnant Pittie’s Unending Embrace for Her Rescuer

When Carly and Jackie first met Poppy, she was lying on the sidewalk in Mexico.

The poor pit bull was “hugely pregnant.”

Poppy was skittish at first, but when Carly got closer, Poppy just kind of leaned into her.

They had an immediate bond. Carly cuddled the black pit bull and told her that she was safe as she and Jackie drove her to the vet.

The vet held Poppy for two days, where she got a checkup and was given a flea bath.

Carly and Jackie made sure to visit Poppy every day she was at the vet. The cutest thing happened on the way home from the vet.

Poppy was so happy to be out of there and in the hands of her loving rescuers.

She hugged Jackie, who was driving, the entire way home.

And she wouldn’t let go. And she was smiling the entire time. It was just too sweet and adorable for words.

According to Dog Leash Pro, a pit bull litter can have between five and 10 puppies.

Sometimes even up to 14.

Poppy was a fantastic mother. She would hug and cuddle her babies on top of feeding them. Jackie and Carly soon fell in love with this big pit bull family.

“They’ve made my days a lot happier,” Jackie said.

Still, they would eventually all need to find loving forever homes.

ackie and Carly were able to find new homes for each and every one of Poppy’s puppies.

But that wasn’t the case with Poppy.

That’s because Jackie and Carly already had a loving home for Poppy: their home.
