A compassionate family known for their rescue efforts in the neighborhood discovered a small black and white kitten outside their home, utterly alone. The kitten’s mother had abandoned him and his littermates, leaving him as the sole survivor. When the family stumbled upon him, he was huddled in a self-comforting “hug.”

Without hesitation, they scooped up the fragile kitten and brought him indoors, ensuring his safety. At just a few weeks old, the kitten was so weak that he could barely keep his eyes open.

Determined to give him the care he needed, the family reached out to their local rescue organization, Chatons Orphelins Montreal. Despite his dire condition – emaciated, a swollen belly due to parasites, and an eye infection – the resilient little kitten showed a strong will to live.

Initially requiring assistance to eat, Tiluky, as he was named, gradually gained enough strength to suckle from a bottle or eat independently. With a cozy nest and an abundance of tender loving care, he made a remarkable recovery. His bright eyes explored his surroundings, his appetite returned with gusto, and he even sported a plump belly.

Upon meeting the resident cat in his foster home, Tiluky instantly showered her with affection. He shadowed her throughout the house and nuzzled into her for peaceful naps. Whenever nestled with another cat or kitten, the soothing rhythm of their heartbeats and purring reassured him that he was no longer alone.

From that moment on, Tiluky embraced a new motto – no one should feel alone. He roamed the house, lavishing people, fellow cats, and even dogs with his boundless affection. During playtime, he transformed into a whirlwind of energy, but as soon as his foster mom entered the room, he’d gracefully sidle between her legs, brushing her with his tail, seeking her attention.

Introduced to other foster kittens of similar age, Tiluky learned to play appropriately and refine his feline skills. He displayed a mischievous, playful nature and an abundance of energy. He reveled in playing and frolicking with his fellow kittens.



.Tiluky displayed a remarkable affinity for various animals, including cats, kittens, dogs, and even rabbits. He enjoyed climbing cat trees and basking in the sun on the windowsill. His inquisitive nature led him to investigate every new experience with enthusiasm.

Always eager for adventure, he often trailed behind his human companions, curious about their activities. Car rides held no fear for him, making him an excellent travel companion. With an ever-present, carefree demeanor, Tiluky seemed to view the world as his playground.