A woman living in Florida, USA, found two abandoned pitbulls in the woods near her home and tried to rescue them. An animal rescue organization quickly rescued one, but the other was difficult to catch and was finally rescued by a woman after several days. It turned out that the rescued dogs were emaciated, in poor health, and abandoned. The dog was very frightened of humans, but the woman developed a bond with the dog over time. Two years after being rescued, the dog, who was offered a permanent home by a woman, has developed a strong bond with his owner and is living happily with a lot of love that has helped him overcome his painful past trauma.
Rescue and protect an abandoned pitbull in the forest Two years ago, Sheryl Minsky, who lives in Florida, heard that two pitbulls had been abandoned in the woods near her home. Mr. Minsky has several rescued dogs and cats at home. They are important family members for Minsky. After hearing about Pitbull, Mr. Minsky went to the forest to see if there was anything he could do to help rescue him. Animal rescuers were apparently able to rescue one, but the other female was unable to be caught after two days of trying. I enlisted the help of a friend who has a German Shepherd to try to rescue the dog. A 1-year-old male German Shepherd was in heat at the time, so the female Pitbull showed up without a hitch


Abandoned and emaciated The pitbull, who was later named Honey, was skinny and skinny, with claws that had grown uncontrollably. Honey2_e image credit: youtube “Also, he was very frightened of humans.” At first, Minsky planned to take Honey to an animal shelter after protecting her. However, when I saw Honey in such a terrible state, I thought it would be a pity to expose her to further trauma, so I decided to take her home and rehabilitate myself. First, Minsky took his time and slowly interacted with Honey, trying to start by regaining his trust in humans.

I was also very scared of humans. At first, Minsky planned to take Honey to an animal shelter after protecting her. However, when I saw Honey in such a terrible state, I thought it would be a pity to expose her to further trauma, so I decided to take her home and rehabilitate myself. First, Minsky took his time and slowly interacted with Honey, trying to start by regaining his trust in humans.

Spending time with other rescue dogs helped Honey get used to the environment and open up to Minsky. When Honey was examined by a veterinarian, she was not microchipped, so Minsky implanted a microchip and took care of her with a lot of love. Before long, Honey became comfortable with going for a walk with her friends in the forest where she had been abandoned, and appeared to be running around and playing with energy.
