Nestled deep within the enchanting wilderness of Oregon, Toketee Falls stands as a testament to thebreathtaking beauty of nature. With its awe-inspiring cascade and serene surroundings, this majesticwaterfall has captivated the hearts of visitors from around the world. Let us embark on a journey toexplore the wonders of Toketee Falls and uncover the secrets that make it a must-see destination.

Located in the Umpqua National Forest, Toketee Falls is a hidden gem tucked away in the North UmpquaRiver Canyon. The name “Toketee” is derived from a Chinook word meaning “pretty” or “graceful,” and itperfectly describes the waterfall’s elegance and charm. As you make your way through the forest,following the well-marked trail, the sound of rushing water grows louder, heightening your anticipationfor the magnificent sight that lies ahead.

As the trail unveils the falls, a sense of wonder washes over you. Toketee Falls cascades down a sheerbasalt cliff, plummeting approximately 120 feet into a sparkling pool below. The water gracefully dancesthrough a series of narrow channels, creating an intricate tapestry of splendor. The striking contrastbetween the dark volcanic rock and the white frothy water adds to the allure of the scene, leaving visitorsspellbound.

One of the distinctive features of Toketee Falls is its captivating basalt column formation. Over thousandsof years, the relentless force of the North Umpqua River has carved out these intriguing hexagonalcolumns, adding an element of geological fascination to the already breathtaking scenery. As you standbefore this natural masterpiece, it’s hard not to marvel at the wonders of Earth’s geological processes.





