Garden care is much more than an ordinary household chore. The art of decorating and transforming the outdoor space into a corner of relaxation and relaxation is a real passion for thousands of people. Planting in the garden, hoeing or watering the soil can not only help ensure that our home looks beautiful but also improve our mood and help us escape from reality. If you are among the people who like to change the atmosphere, today we offer you a practical tip to sublimate your garden – the flower bed with pebbles or pebbles. Adopt these little companions, add a few succulents and you will be really happy with the results. Do you doubt it? Trust us and take a few minutes to review the gallery of impressive ideas below as well as our useful tips for a successful project.
Turn your garden into a wild and natural corner of paradise by opting for a flower bed with pebbles or pebbles
More tipsIf you’ve followed the previous steps, you’re ready to put the finishing touches on the decor – the pebbles and the plants. However, to keep stones and pebbles shiny, you can apply sealant. If you put plants on the ground, make the holes on the felt at a greater distance. In the beginning, do not forget to water the plants regularly. Apart from flower beds with pebbles, you can also install a few wooden bridges to create a Zen atmosphere. Small stone or pebble fountains are also a good idea to transform the outdoor space. The stony ground is also suitable for a relaxation or tea corner, so you are free to arrange your garden furniture to your liking. garden to create a real plant oasis
















