While wandering around Mustafa Kamel St. in Egypt, Ahmed Abdelhamid stumbled upon a helpless mother dog who seemed to be in a precarious situation. It was quite clear that she needed immediate assistance.

The mama dog had been through a lot – she suffered from numerous injuries, such as fractured teeth, broken legs, and even back pain. It was discovered that she gave birth to 10 puppies, but unfortunately, half of them didn’t make it. However, this brave mama refused to abandon the remaining four pups. She put forth all her efforts and resources into finding food and keeping them alive.

Ahmed Abdelhamid was deeply touched by the mother dog’s strength and decided to help her and her puppies by providing them with milk, food, and water on a daily basis. Despite not having all the means to completely care for their wellbeing, he is doing everything within his power to support them.


Ahmed’s display of compassion serves as a great example of how we should all aim to show kindness and empathy, despite the fact that the final result may remain uncertain for each one of us.

Their story reminds us of the incredible bond between humans and animals, and how our furry friends can show us unconditional love and strength. As a community, we must do our part to assist and support them whenever we can.