Unveiling Lunar Secrets: NASA’s Long-һeɩd Knowledge of аɩіeп Presence in Moon Structures

On October 30, 2007, a public press conference was convened in Washington by Ken Johnston, the individual responsible for overseeing the Apollo mission imagery, and Richard Hoagland, a former NASA consultant and American author. During the conference, they asserted that NASA had concealed a long-standing truth for over 40 years: that the astronauts of the Apollo mission had uncovered evidence of an ancient civilization on the moon.


Hoagland claimed that upon reviewing the archival photos from the Apollo mission preserved by Johnston in 1995, he observed artificial structures that had been edited out in the images released by NASA.

He personally witnessed instances in the late 1960s where NASA staff were instructed to manually paint the moonlit sky on negatives. This directive aimed to prevent confusion among astronauts, as the actual sky on the moon is black, and this alteration was made to maintain accuracy in the visual records.

Dr. Ken Johnston was chosen as a candidate for Round 2 of the Mars One Astronaut program. However, the program was ultimately halted due to a lack of funding.

Johnston revealed that, in a series of photographs capturing the black expanse of space, intricate configurations of white stripes emerged. These patterns were identified as the remnants of massive structures that had once towered to heights of several kilometers.

The disclosure of such images to the public could have led to media chaos. During a presentation, Richard Hoagland shared a photograph showcasing a colossal structure—a glass tower, possibly one of the tallest constructions discovered on the moon.

On March 21, 1996, a similar briefing took place at the Washington National Press Club. NASA scientists and engineers involved in lunar and Mars exploration programs presented findings from their data processing efforts. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and anthropogenic objects on the moon was publicly announced.

Somebody Else Is On The Moon (1970)”

It’s noteworthy that NASA appears to have intentionally disclosed information regarding extraterrestrial intelligence on the moon. Otherwise, it’s challenging to account for the fact that George Leonard, the author of the 1970 book “Somebody Else Is On The Moon,” derived his content from numerous photographs to which he had NASA access. Interestingly, the entire print run of his book seemingly vanished from store shelves almost instantly. There is speculation that it might have been purchased in bulk to prevent widespread distribution of the book.

NASA’s Lunar Images

In his book, Leonard contested the belief in the moon’s complete lifelessness despite assurances from authorities. He pointed to data suggesting otherwise. Leonard highlighted that even before the space age, astronomers, both professional and amateur, employed large telescopes to investigate peculiar activities observed on the moon.

Johnston asserted that during their lunar missions, Americans uncovered the so-called secret of gravity control. Whether this technology was implemented on Earth remains unknown. The lunar exploration race has reignited, now featuring not just two, as during the Cold War, but at least five participants. Alongside the United States, Russia, China, India, and Japan have joined the endeavor. The United States recently revitalized its lunar program, with notable support from figures like George W. Bush. The plan involves establishing a lunar base, though the specific reasons for its necessity have yet to be disclosed.

The majority of other astronomers exhibit skepticism towards the assertions made by Johnston and Hoagland. These individuals have earnestly proclaimed their mission to unveil all the purported secrets of NASA, asserting that the agency is concealing information. They have gone so far as to publish a book and maintain a blog on the Internet dedicated to this cause. NASA representatives, in response, generally refrain from commenting on the declarations made by these unconventional scientists.

In the press release of 2007, Kay Ferrari, the Director of JPL’s SSA program, requested Johnston’s resignation. The catalyst for this request was Johnston’s inclusion in Hoagland’s book, ‘Dark Mission,’ where he was quoted criticizing NASA. This prompted Ferrari to seek Johnston’s resignation from the SSA Program. When Dr. Johnston declined, citing First Amendment protections for free speech extended to all NASA employees, including those at JPL, Ferrari seemingly opted to remove him from the SSA Program arbitrarily, as outlined in the press release.

Following his sudden departure, he expressed his fatigue with the U.S. government’s withholding of evidence for over four decades—evidence suggesting the existence of ancient alien cities on the Moon. The book includes low-quality images depicting ruins of structures, expansive dome-like objects crafted from glass, stone towers, and castles seemingly suspended in the air.

“I have nothing to lose. I have clashed with NASA, and I was dismissed,” stated Ken Johnston. (Click here to read more on Dr. Ken Johnston)