A cat aboard a Russian tourist boat is quickly becoming an internet sensation after news spread that the furry sailor had been navigating between Russia’s two main cities for years. However, it turns oᴜt that the now-famous Persian cat is not the only four-legged crew member.

The cat, named ‘Sailor,’ has been “working” alongside the actual captain of the cruise ship, Nikolay Chernyshevsky, Vladimir Kotin, since 2008.

Not only has he become a true member of the crew, keeping watch on the captain’s bridge every night from midnight to 4:00 am, but he is also a tourist attraction.

It is not known how much of the average 30,000 rubles ($450), the ticket price for the cruise, was earned thanks to the attractive cat, but he definitely worked hard enough to earn a uniform… and even a subordinate.

When visiting the boat, Rt’s Ruptly encountered a second cat on board. The captain said he got the second male cat to keep Sailor company. The two get along well, although the younger one tends to be a Ьіt lazier.