Whisker-tickling Tales: A Feline Family’s Endearing Journey of Trust and Companionship Found Behind a Warehouse

A colleague of Cailey Seymour, who is the creator of Dorset Rescue Kittens situated in Ontario, Canada, shared information about a stray cat and her litter of five kittens that needed help. The co-worker spotted the felines prowling behind a warehouse and quickly set out some food to lure them in. Starving and desperate, the entire family emerged from all directions to feast on the meal. The rescuer then contacted Seymour with a snapshot of the kittens and asked if they could offer assistance, to which the answer was an enthusiastic “yes.” The rescuer successfully nabbed the entire litter and their mother.

Coco, the mother cat, was believed to be around five years old. When she came with her kittens, she was extremely thin. Although it was assumed that Coco had been living on the streets her whole life, it turned out that she was not feral as originally feared.


The kittens that Cailey came across were in a sorry state – they looked thin and were suffering from respiratory infections. It was clear that they had been surviving on leaves and grass because they couldn’t find enough food for themselves. When Cailey shared this information with Love Meow, she also mentioned how timid the kittens were when they first arrived. But thanks to Coco’s kind and reassuring presence, these little ones soon began to open up. Coco would gently wash their faces and let them know that they were safe now. It was almost as if she had been waiting for love all her life, and was finally getting to experience it.

It is quite common to observe that among a litter of kittens, one of them requires more attention and care from their mother. In this case, despite the readiness of four kittens to be adopted in pairs, Chanel and Coco are still very much attached to each other and rely on one another for support. These two kittens share a strong bond and do everything together, making them an inseparable duo.

According to Cailey, Mama Coco has finally grasped the idea of a comfortable home. Initially, she would only lie on the floor and never seek attention, despite her love for it. However, she has now developed a fondness for lounging on sofas and beds while also actively seeking out attention. It is evident that she has no intention of going back outside anytime soon.

Chanel, the baby, is an energetic and inquisitive little one who always keeps her mother on her feet. She loves to explore and can be found following her mom around the house. In contrast, Coco, the older one, prefers to take it easy and lounge around. She appreciates human affection, particularly a nice scratch on the neck or a belly rub.

Cailey expressed that the mother of Chanel has been an exceptional parent, always taking care of her daughter and giving her undivided attention. Chanel is frequently seen following her mother around, but as she has matured, she has developed a unique personality. The duo is often found cuddling together or playing with Coco following behind.

The mother and daughter duo are on a quest to find their forever home where they can live happily-ever-after. According to their caretakers, the ideal home for them would be quiet and one where they can receive undivided attention. Coco, who has spent most of her life wandering the streets, is thrilled at the prospect of settling down in a place she can finally call home with her precious baby Chanel.