Helmcken Falls, located in British Columbia, Canada, is one of the most breathtaking waterfalls in the world.This waterfall is a sight to behold in every season, but it’s particularly remarkable in the winter when anenormous ice cone is formed at the base of the falls.Standing at 463 feet (141 meters) tall, Helmcken Falls is the fourth highest waterfall in Canada and one ofthe most popular attractions in Wells Gray Provincial Park. The waterfall is named after John SebastianHelmcken, a British Columbia physician and politician.

During the colder months, the heavy spray from the waterfall freezes and creates an enormous ice conethat can grow up to 200 feet (60 meters) tall. The best time to see the cone is between late January andlate February, but visitors should be aware of the park’s safety precautions as the roads can be quiteslippery due to the snow and ice.

Behind the falls, there is a bowl that recedes over 150 feet (45 meters) into the cliff and stretches over 500feet (152 meters) wide. A 50-foot (15-meter) lower tier is located a little bit further downstream, boostingthe total height of the waterfall to over 500 feet or 150 Meters

Helmcken Falls was created roughly 10,000 years ago during the last ice age when enormous floodseroded the volcanic Murtle Plateau, from where the falls drop over. The wide Clearwater River valley wasfilled with a huge lava deposit over 200,000 years ago, with layers of fresh lava eventually forming theplateau.

In the 1950s and 1960s, there were plans to harness the power of Helmcken Falls by building dams alongthe Clearwater and Murtle Rivers. However, the 1.3 million-acre Wells Gray Provincial Park area was fullyprotected from development in 1973, ensuring that this natural wonder would remain intact. Had the damsbeen built, Helmcken Falls would have been largely submerged behind a 450-foot (137-meter) dam.

Helmcken Falls is not only a natural wonder, but it also played a crucial role in the creation of Wells GrayProvincial Park. It is the most afamous of the park’s seven waterfalls and was one of the reasons why theprotected area was created.

The power and beauty of nature are on full display at Helmcken Falls. It is a must-see for anyone visitingBritish Columbia, and a reminder of the importance of protecting our natural wonders for generations toCOME.