Worldwide Wonders: Unearthing Unbelievable Creatures

The concept of a “water monkey” as described in your passage appears to be a mythical or legendary creature rather than an established scientific fact. Such legends are common in folklore and often serve as intriguing and mysterious tales passed down through generations. However, it’s important to note that these creatures typically lack concrete evidence of their existence and are more a product of storytelling and imagination.

In this case, the “water monkey” is described as a creature with mysterious colors that few people have seen with their own eyes. The passage also mentions that there is no actual evidence to support the existence of this creature as a new species.

Furthermore, the mention of “shit” in the context of the dangers faced by these creatures on their journey seems to be a humorous or colloquial addition to the legend rather than a scientific observation.

Legends and myths like the “water monkey” can be fascinating and culturally significant, but they should not be confused with established scientific knowledge about real animals and species. Scientific investigations require concrete evidence and rigorous study to confirm the existence of new species or creatures.

“Water Monkey” is actually a sloth
If someone accidentally enters their territory, they may be attacked by them in the water. Because few people have actually seen water monkeys, and water monkeys have attracted a lot of attention, some people have filmed “water monkeys” videos to catch the heat.

For example, a “water monkey” video was circulated on the Internet. The animal in the video looks like a monkey, with hair all over the body, and it crawls out of the water. People who don’t know think this is really a “water monkey”. “.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

In fact, this is only an animal called a sloth, which is distributed in Central and South America and is an animal that lives mainly on trees. Because it moves very slowly, it has the name sloth. The slow movement of the sloth is very famous in the animal world, and its full speed is only 0.6 meters per second. In general, sloths will stay on the tree and move more slowly.

Why do sloths take so long to defecate outside their habitat
However, in contrast to the slow movement on the ground, the sloth is still faster in the water, because if it swims slowly, it will sink. Sloths spend most of their time in the tree, including basic activities such as eating and sleeping, but defecate must run away from the habitat.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

In order to reach the defecation place, the sloth will spend a long time on the way. Leaving the habitat exposes the sloth to the predation range of natural enemies. In addition, the sloth moves very slowly, and it is very likely to encounter it on the way to the defecation place. Predation by natural enemies.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

Sloths defecate a few times a week, and each defecation takes up to six hours. If they stay away from the habitat for a long time, the probability of being preyed by natural enemies increases significantly. According to statistics, 50% of sloths are preyed during defecation. Why do sloths take so long to defecate outside their habitat? There are two reasons, one is that sloths attach great importance to the concealment of their habitat. Defecation in the habitat will give off the scent of sloths, which will attract natural enemies.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

Secondly, the sloth and the sloth moth that live on it form an agreement, and the sloth moth and the sloth are in a symbiotic relationship. Sloth moths live on the sloth. Over time, a lot of green algae will grow on the sloth. The green algae can make the sloth look green and help it hide better on the tree. Moreover, the green algae is also an important food for the sloth. It.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

The reason why sloths choose to defecate on the ground is to provide food for sloth moths and help them reproduce. The sloth moth will crawl from its body to the ground to lay eggs when it defecates. Sloths will go to a fixed place to defecate every time, and sloth moths will crawl onto the sloth again after hatching. There are many typical examples of the symbiotic relationship between sloths and sloth moths.

The reason why water monkeys have attracted much attention
From another perspective, water monkeys are described as larger creatures. Sloths are so small that they naturally do not fit the characteristics of water monkeys. Perhaps the water monkey may be some other creature, but because of its amphibious habit, it is considered a new species. The sloth does not conform to the characteristics of the water monkey in form, especially its claws are very distinctive.

The most dangerous thing for the “water monkey” in the rumors is shit, half of the same kind die on the road of shit

People should treat this new species appearing in the video rationally. Because there are naturally not only a few new creatures, and two new creatures are not enough to indicate that they belong to a new species. Perhaps it is the water monkey that gives a terrible impression to the human race. Few people who have seen it have survived. This has also aggravated people’s curiosity about the water monkey.