25 Low Water Garden Landscaping Ideas

There’s no need to sacrifice curb appeal to save water. Here are some smart low water landscaping ideas that will make your garden and other outdoor spaces appealing without much water. Let’s take a look at these options.

Ground Cover

Ground cover is essential in exposed areas for retaining moisture and preventing soil erosion. Drought tolerant succulents and some kinds of drought-tolerant herbs and blooms are perfect to cover the ground.

sea thrift (Armeria maritima) forms helpful mats of ground cover, aided here by stones and gravel


covering the ground with pale succulents and simple grasses create a living tapestry in the front yard


an enchanting low water garden done with succulents of various shades and grasses


a gorgeous low water garden with various types of grasses, agaves and succulents


various types fo succulents covering the ground to prevent erosion and other negative consequences


a chic idea to cover the ground with succulents and pebbles placing a large vase as if it fell


a dry creek bed with dark pebbles and lined up with large rocks and grasses is a cool idea


a gorgeous dry creek bed with grey and white pebbles and large rocks that line up the creek plus succulents and cacti


a dry creek bed of colorful pebbles and with smaller pebbles plus some shrubs


a dry stream covered with grey pebbles and with grasses and greenery around for a catchy look


a beautiful and low maintenance garden incorporating a river rock dry stream with herbs and blooms around


a dry river bed with pebbles and larger pieces of rocks and grass and bright blooms lining up


fight poor drainage with a cool dry creek surrounded with grasses and greenery of various kinds


a dry stream idea with large pebbles and rocks plus green grasses around and some blooms


a river rock dry stream with grasses around is a cool and natural decor feature for a low water garden


decomposed granite landscaping in a neutral shade with with large rock tiles for hardscaping


garden pathways done with decomposed granite and some large tiles in the same neutral shade


a pathway done with grey decomposed granite looks modern and chic


a side yard done with neutral decomposed granite and some flower beds


silver foliage is a great idea for a low water garden as it's drought-resistant


rock a statement plant like this post cactus in a pot to make your garden bolder and cooler


create a succulent vertical garden as an artwork and part of landscaping, it won't take much space.


grasses of various kinds are perfect for growing them in low water gardens


layer pots planted with single plants in various hues and textures to make your garden wow


combine several bold plants in one bowl to create an amazing arrangement




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