The key to smart poolside landscaping is to find strong plants that can withstand your pool’s microclimate, are easy to maintain, and still look good. Carefully research any plants you choose to surround your pool before any buying or digging happens. A heated pool can raise humidity levels, and intense sunlight can fry nearby landscaping. Also, keep in mind that plants will likely get splashed with chlorine and other pool and spa chemicals. These 18 plants and trees are all good choices for pool landscaping; check carefully, though, to be sure they are right for your climate and soil conditions.
Banana Tree (Musa)
If you desire a tropical look for your pool area and live in a mild, frost-free climate, banana trees instantly create the mood you may be looking for. Bananas are fast-growing herbaceous perennials or trees with tropical-looking long, broad leaves. Plant them in a spot safe from winds because those great-looking leaves can get ripped-up easily if not near a wall, fence, or protected by neighboring plants.
Hawaiian Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
If you are thinking of going the tropical-oasis route, a bird of paradise will get you there quickly. It looks similar to a banana plant, has an upright growth habit, and 2-foot-long leaves. Like the banana, Strelitzia reginae needs shelter from strong winds or its leaves can rip.1 Bird of paradise is easy to grow inside, so if you’re in a cooler climate, overwinter the plant and move it outside in summer. Bird of paradise is an excellent choice for poolscaping—it does not shed and is strong enough to tolerate splashing (in moderation, of course).
Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’)
Egyptian Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)
In the right conditions, Cyperus papyrus (Egyptian papyrus, papyrus sedge or papyrus grass) can create a mood—lush, tropical, and exotic. Papyrus likes water and can live in bogs and shallow ponds. It also does fairly well in a clay soil that has been amended—the clay helps it retain dampness, which it loves. Pair it with tall and skinny Equisetum ‘Horsetail,‘ which also likes water and has an exotic feel.
Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia)
Echeveria (Crassulaceae)
Echeverias are succulent perennials from Mexico that feel to the touch like a cross between felt and velvet. These plants are wonderful for rock gardens and are drought tolerant. They would also be a nice addition to planters near your pool or spa, mixed in with other succulents and some ornamental grasses for an attractive, low-maintenance display. In the right zones (mostly southwestern) they can be grown as shrubs, reaching a height of up to 2 feet (60 cm) with 4-inch-long leaves.
Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavida)
Its common name—kangaroo paw—gives a big hint as to where this popular perennial hails from: Australia. This plant and its hybrids are a slim and graceful looking plant, but it is the flowers that are the real appeal to kangaroo paws. Striking and curved like kangaroo paws, the perennials come in many varieties and lovely colors, including ‘Bush Gold,’ ‘Bush Emerald,’ and ‘Bush Lantern’ (bright yellow).
Martha Washington Geranium (Regal pelargonium)
For vibrant, beautiful color that lasts from spring to fall, nothing beats the hybrids called Martha Washington or Lady Washington geraniums. Martha Washington geraniums are usually only available for about six weeks or so in late spring. Marthas sometimes look like exotic tropical flowers and orchids. Like many flower hybrids, Lady Washington pelargoniums have great cultivar names such as ‘Raspberry Swirl,’ ‘Imperial,’ and ‘Excaliber.’
Proteas (Banksia)
These orange tropical beauties are proteas (Banksia.) Banksias hail originally from Australia. Proteas are usually stiff and prickly to the touch but also hardy and long-lasting. Add other tropicals—like hibiscus, cannas, and low-growing palms—with proteas for a tropical paradise. Proteas can grow in areas that are rocky and nutrient-poor, and they should not be fertilized.
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine (I. batatas )
Agave Attenuata (Agave attenuata)
Not to be confused with blue agave or Agave tequilana, an important cash crop for the Mexican state of Jalisco for making tequila, Agave attenuata is also a native of Mexico and grows well in the southwestern United States. It requires little water and performs well near the ocean or a swimming pool. Attenuata is also easy to propagate from cuttings or pups—a few large plants can multiply and become quite prolific in just a few years.
Hebe (Hebe)
This New Zealand native is sometimes sold under the name Veronica. The shrubbier hebes are exotic, striking plants that enhance poolside border landscaping. They prefer mild-winter zones and need regular water with good drainage.3 For some varieties, the flowering season extends from early summer until the first frost. Deadhead flowers regularly for constant bloom. Hebes require shade in warmer climates.
Aeonium (Aeonium)
Succulents have been traditionally overlooked in American gardens, but in the western United States, they have been enjoying a surge in popularity. These green beauties are Aeonium. Succulents come in all sizes and shapes and are the rising stars of drought-tolerant landscaping because they store water in their fleshy leaves, stems, and roots. Technically, the more-familiar cactus are succulents, although they require a desert habitat and have prickly spines. Not so with succulents, which do not all have spines.
Jade (Crassula ovata)
In some regions, jade is a popular houseplant; in others, it can grow almost like a weed and is extremely unfussy. Like all succulents, its foliage is packed with water; when it shrivels, you know it is asking for a drink. Jade is attractive, sturdy, and a hands-down trouble-free plant for your pool area landscaping.
Staghorn Fern (Platycerium superbum)
In the tropical regions from which they come, staghorn ferns can be found growing on trees. If you do not live in the tropics but can grow it in your zone, Staghorns do great mounted on wood slabs or bark, hanging baskets, or attached to trees. If you have a garden wall or pool house that gets filtered sunlight, this might be the scene-stealing plant for your pool area.
Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia)
Schefflera (Schefflera)
While scheffleras are natives to Australia, New Caledonia, southern Asia, Hawaii, and Taiwan, they have also adapted well to other regions, especially California and Florida. Near a swimming pool, the schefflera performs well, especially in moist, well-drained soil. Schefflera also goes by the name of Queensland umbrella tree and octopus tree. Combine it with other tropicals like hibiscus, cannas, and bromeliads.