In early November, a couple noticed an unfamiliar dog wandering the streets of a neighborhood in South Texas. The dog was weak, severely undernourished, with skin devastated by scabs, and in urgent need of help. The couple tried for a while to gain the trust of the poor creature, but the frightened dog was too scared and wouldn’t allow itself to be caught. Ana, as she was later named, finally found help a week later and was immediately taken to a veterinary clinic. Looking at her frail body covered in terrible scabs, the people who rescued her realized that she was only about a year or two old. Since her health was in an extremely poor condition, Ana’s chances were very low, and even Stacy Silverstein, the founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, didn’t hold much hope.


English translation: This poor girl was in a very bad condition when we reached her… she was severely emaciated, her skin and eyes were infected, and her spirit was weakened,” Stacy recounts.
With such severe health damage and the neglect she had endured, it was not surprising that Ana was shy and reluctant to accept care.

English translation: Despite the unfavorable prognosis, Ana dug her heels in and soon proved that all the bleak predictions about her were wrong. After her illnesses were treated, the days of neglect and apathy from people were quickly forgotten.
Rescue Dogs Rock NYC made a statement about Ana’s incredible recovery: “Just a few weeks of medical care from the veterinary staff and her foster parent, Ana is feeling much better and looks amazing!! Her fur has grown back fully, and she has transformed into a happy and playful girl!”

With time, Ana blossomed into a beautiful young dog. After her fur finally grew back, her rescuers ultimately discovered that Labrador Retriever blood ran through her veins. Representatives from RDRNYC stated, “After what Ana has endured, she deserves the most incredible loving home. We can’t wait to see her spoiled and unconditionally loved! She is charming, sweet, and friendly with people of all ages and other dogs.”