Mastering the Juggle: Efficiently Managing a Family of Eight, Including Twins and Triplets

Managing a household with multiple children can be a daunting task for most parents. However, one exceptional Australian couple, Chloe Dunstan and her husband Rohan, have successfully navigated the challenges of raising their brood of eight children, which includes both twins and triplets. Their heartwarming story serves as an inspiring example of gracefully and efficiently handling numerous responsibilities.

Chloe Dunstan, a 27-year-old mother hailing from Perth, Australia, has captured the attention of social media with her candid portrayal of the bustling life she leads as the parent of eight wonderful kids. Chloe and Rohan have fully embraced the rollercoaster of experiences that come with their extraordinary family, demonstrating remarkable resilience and love throughout their journey.


Chloe, who naturally conceived all her children, offers a glimpse into her vibrant life through her social media presence. Her journey began when she became a mother at the young age of 22, with three kids: Evan, 8, Otto, 7, and Felix, 6. The family quickly grew with the arrival of triplets Rufus, Hank, and Pearl, who are now approaching their fifth birthdays. Adding to the excitement, two more bundles of joy are expected to join the Dunstan family this November. Astonishingly, all of these children were conceived without medical assistance. While Chloe acknowledges the increased workload that comes with a growing family, she and her loved ones eagerly anticipate the prospect of further expansion.

Chloe, who naturally conceived all her children, offers a glimpse into her hectic life through her social media presence. Her journey began when, at the age of 22, she became a mother to three children: Evan, 8, Otto, 7, and Felix, 6. Soon after, she welcomed triplets Rufus, Hank, and Pearl, who are now approaching their fifth birthdays. Adding to the excitement, two more babies are expected to join the Dunstan family this November, all conceived without any medical intervention. While Chloe acknowledges the increased demands of raising more children, she and her family eagerly anticipate the prospect of further expanding their household.

Chloe’s daily routine kicks off around 4:30 pm when she starts preparing dinner for the entire household. During this time, the older children pitch in by tidying up their playroom, while the younger ones take a nap. Chloe carefully tends to the babies, who relax in their rockers, while whipping up a nutritious meal for the kids. Meals like vegetable-laden pasta are favored for their simplicity and nutritional value. Given the demands of her day, quick and healthful meals are a must.

By 6 pm, the children gather to enjoy their dinner, sometimes with Chloe and her husband joining in when their schedules allow. On busier days, the couple dines after the children are sound asleep, typically a few hours later.

After dinner, it’s bath time and pajama changes for the children, with Chloe multitasking by taking care of the newborn twins while keeping an eye on the older kids. But Chloe’s evenings don’t involve relaxation or TV time. Instead, she oversees her children’s bedtime routine, which includes teeth brushing and a bedtime story.

By 8 pm, all the children are snug in their beds, granting Chloe and her husband some precious time to unwind and bond. Chloe openly acknowledges that managing such a large family comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when the triplets were younger. Nevertheless, the Dunstans have discovered that prioritizing connection and happiness is the bedrock of their family life.

Chloe’s narrative stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of families who chart their own course in the unique journey of raising a large brood.