The Lonely Journey of an Abаndoпed Puppy: A Heartbreaking Tale of Survival and Hope

It has been said that dogs are the best friends of the human being because they are always willing to give fidelity, love and company without expecting anything in return. However, some owners leave a lot to think about, as they don’t mind leaving their lives to chance and abandoning them.

By the way, the heartbreaking story of a dog that was abandoned in the front yard of a house located in the Corazón de Jesús neighborhood of Pasto circulates on Twitter. According to what was reported by the tweeter María de los Ángeles Zambrano, the animal was abandoned with objects that its owners had bought for it and even left it with its respective vaccination card.

This little dog was left abandoned in a front yard with his little bag, his toy, a little bum, his collar and his vaccine meat!” María de los Ángeles Zambrano published on Twitter. An hour later, the same netizen published on the aforementioned social network that the dog was finally taken to a temporary home and that she also expected the authorities to carry out the respective investigation to find those responsible for this unfortunate case.

The puppy is in a foster home and tomorrow the pertinent investigations will be carried out to find those responsible for this heartbreaking event,” the netizen published. After this publication, some netizens lamented that the dog has been abandoned to its fate, and there were even those who offered to adopt it. Others asked to find the person who abandoned it, guided by the vaccination card that was left with the animal.

Please, find out at the veterinarian that appears on the card and report animal abuse. But, please, don’t give it back for anything in the world, you have to find it a home where they love it forever (…) Why demonize the one who abandoned it? It’s not worth finding, it’s not worth it. Rather get him home soon, I’m in. What is the home of passage? (…) That good hands receive him, that they truly take care of him, what a beauty of a puppy! (…) Definitely, the miserable person who does this has no forgiveness”, some netizens commented.


