Unrecognizable Transformation: From a пeɡɩeсted Stray to a Radiant Canine, the Remarkable Journey of a Rescued Dog

The street dog Augustus lived a terrible life for a long time. He had thick scabs on his skin, was neglected by the people in the town and treated like a monster.

But one day everything changed. The animal friends at Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt saw a photo of Augustus – and reacted immediately.

Augustus’ condition was the worst that Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt, the veterinarians and animal welfare inspectors had expected.

The street dog had a shell of 4 centimeter thick crusts all over his neck and back, and suffered from mange and an ear infection.

But despite his obvious pain, Augustus was happy and trusting of his animal friends.

Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt tok seg av Augustus og sendte ham til veterinæren med en gang.

Der fikk han daglig behandling med antibiotika, lange herlige bad med kokosolje og en gelé for å bli kvitt skorpene på huden.

Sakte men sikkert begynte Augustus å bli bedre. Til slutt forsvant skorpene og huden til Augustus så brannskadet ut.

Soon also began to grow out…

a few weeks later, the previously troubled dog was unrecognizable!

Eventually, Augustus was adopted away to a woman named Jordan. There he got a lot of love, and he was overjoyed to get a second chance in life.

A miracle. So beautiful!

Augustus. We are so proud of you! You have the best family and a wonderful life. People still ask about the story of how we found you voices. Just look him in the eyes. They were full of life and love then, just as they are now, writes Heart of Alabama Save Rescue Adopt on Facebook.