25+ Adorable DIY Tire Planter Ideas That Will Make Your Garden the Cutest on the Block

Turn Tires into Planters!

If you have some old tires and you’re wondering what to do with them, you can turn them into creative planters for your garden. With just a little bit of paint, you can transform them into works of art that will look pleasing to the eye as well as a nice home for plants.

Make sure you clean the tire first with a hose. You will probably need a handsaw and spray paint. Make sure to wear a mask to protect your lungs and work outdoors wherever possible!


Wavy Design

  1. To make this nice wavy design, first, draw your pattern on the tire.
  2. Take a drill and create a hole at one point.
  3. Then go in and cut the design.
  4. Turn the tire inside out and spray paint it.
  5. Once dry, you can use a golden yellow to paint the flower design. You can do the same with the piece that was cut off and then this will be screwed into the bottom to form the base of your planter.
  6. Take a pizza pan and screw that inside so that the planter can be moved around.
  7. Finish by adding your soil and your chosen plants.


Vegetable Patch

If you are going to grow vegetables in your tires, try to keep them in a shaded area. Burning tires release chemicals so you don’t want the sun shining too hard on them and possibly releasing nasty chemicals into your soil.


Wall Planters

Make a nice display for a blank space with these colorful wall planters. You can paint the tires in various different bright shades and once dry, hang them on the wall in an arrangement you enjoy.


Tiered Tire Planter

Create a nice display to place your tree in with this tiered flower tire planter. You can have one main big tire and then layer several smaller ones around this to really make it stand out. You’ll drive your neighbors wild with your creativity!


Tire Wall

Make a fun tire wall by layering the planters. Decide what layout you are going to go with first so that you can arrange your plants correctly.


Bright Red

Catch attention with a bright red tire planter. A red rose bush is planted in it for maximum impact and drama. You could place other smaller plants around the edge such as creeping jennies which will grow over the tire.


Tire Planter Swing

An interesting way to hang your tire planter is to use a chain and suspend it from a tree to make it look like a swing.





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