Author: Berry
“Three Dedicated St. Bernard Dogs Fulfill Their Duty of Caring for Owner’s Baby in Heartwarming Video”
Toddler William is teeny tiny compared to his three huge dog friends. At 32 pounds he weighs far less than St. Bernards Vinny, Teddy Bear, and Millie, who together total hundreds of pounds. The best big siblings a little boy could have, these gentle giants take their job of looking after him seriously. Parents John,…
Meet The Hammer-Headed Bat, The African Megabat That’s Been Dubbed One Of The World’s Ugliest Creatures
The hammer-headed bat is the largest bat species found in Africa. But while it may look like a carnivore, it only eats fruit. Throughout Equatorial Africa, the Hypsignathus monstrosus — better known as the hammer-headed bat — dominates the night sky with its monstrous wingspan and its pestilently loud noises. As one of the largest bats in…
VIDEO: Lonely Puppy Gets The Sweetest Welcome From All The Rescues At The Shelter
Recently, this little puppy named Osito found himself without a friend in the world. His family had decided they didn’t want him anymore. But thankfully, Osito wasn’t lonely for long. Learning of Osito’s situation, Felicia Quispe Arana decided to take him in. Arana runs Colitas Sin Techo, a shelter for homeless dogs in Cusco, Peru. At…
VIDEO: This Adorable Cat With 4 Ears Is Taking Instagram by Storm
Midas the kitten isn’t letting her extra appendages slow her down one bit. If you’re active on the animal side of Instagram, chances are you already know about Midas, the cat with four ears who’s become the newest social media darling. Midas, who looks to be a Russian blue, was most likely born with an extra…
Husky Befriends A Homeless Man And Changes His Life (ViDeo)
This sweet husky opened her heart to a man living on the streets of Paris and changed the course of his life. The man named Bruno was homeless and living in a sidewalk tent. But that didn’t stop this husky named Sora from becoming his best friend. Each morning, Sora started her day by racing…
Introducing the World’s Largest Land Crab, ѕᴜѕрeсted of Potentially Feeding on Amelia Earhart
The coconut crab – the world’s largest land crab – can weigh over 4 kg (8.8 lbs) and span nearly a meter (3 feet) across. This guy can гір open a coconut with its рoweг-claws, and it can also climb trees (ouch)! And, it could be the animal that devoured Amelia Earhart… “moпѕtгoᴜѕ.” That was…
If you’re a sucker for both puppies and unicorns, then have we got a story for you: Meet Narwhal, aka the Little Magical Furry Unicorn, a puppy with a tail between his eyes. Can we please get a collective “awwwwww” here, folks? Narwhal is a 10-week-old puppy who, along with his possible father, Papa Smurf, was rescued over the…
Scieпtists are sυrprised wheп two-headed sпakes last υp to 17 years, despite the extremely high sυrvival rate of 1/100 millioп (ViDeo)
Αп extremely гaгe two-headed sпake has stυппed its haпdleгs by bυckiпg all pгedictioпs of its immiпeпt demise as it appгoaches its 17th yeaг. The black гat sпake, which is гeally sпakes shaгiпg oпe slitheгiпg body, has gгowп to fiʋe feet loпg aпd has alгeady exceeded the life expectaпcy of its гegυlaг coυпteгpaгts iп the wild. The…
Touching scene as a lion cub abandoned by its mother is breastfed by a DOG at a zoo in Gaza
It’s the most tender expression of motherly love. A lion cub that has been adopted by a dog – who now breastfeeds it – after it was rejected by its mother Officials at the Terfihiyye Zoo in Gaza City came up with the idea after contacting a Canadian vet online, who suggested dog’s milk was…
Billy the squid: Eight-legged ‘octogoat’ kid is born on Croatian farm (ViDeo)
A goat with eight legs has been born on a farm in northeast Croatia. Zoran Paparic’s goat Sarka gave birth to the kid which also has both male and female reproductive organs at his farm in Kutjevo. The reason for the baby goat’s extra legs is an underdeveloped twin sibling, local veterinarians have told Mr…