It’s not easy to grow up: Clumsy baby elephant needs his sister’s help after getting stuck in mud at a watering hole

A clumsy baby elephant had a little help from his big sister and her trunk after getting stuck in a puddle of mud.

The calf tries to get up using his front legs after wallowing in the mud at a watering hole in Kruger National Park in South Africa on Monday.

He appears to get assistance from an adult but takes a tumble in the deep puddle.

Baby elephant stuck in mud gets help from his sister

A clumsy baby elephant struggled to get out of the mud at a watering hole in Kruger National Park in South Africa

The calf sinks, slips and wriggles in the mud, seemingly trying to get attention from another elephant.

His older sister spots him struggling to get up, and although she hesitates for a moment she slowly walks backwards to help him.

The older elephant uses her trunk to give her brother something stable to lean on as he gets out of the slippery puddle.

He appears to get assistance from an adult but takes a tumble in the deep puddle

The calf sinks, slips and wriggles in the mud, seemingly trying to get attention from another elephant. Luckily for him his older sister spots him struggling and walks backwards to help him

He manages to step up on stable land and quickly catches up with his mother who is already ahead in the herd.

Edrich Schafer, who captured the moment, said: ‘We found a herd of elephants next to a watering hole and decided to spend some time watching these amazing creatures going about their business.’

‘One particular baby elephant stole the show. We noticed the male baby elephant lying down in the mud, looking like he wanted to get up on his feet after his mud wallow.

She uses her trunk to give her brother something stable to lean on as he gets out of the slippery puddle

He manages to step up on stable land and catches up with his mother who is already ahead in the herd

‘While feeling sorry for the little elephant, I couldn’t help but to find it funny at the same time.’

‘The young female was one of the baby elephant’s many sisters in the breeding herd and started moving backwards slowly until she got into position.

‘Once the baby elephant got out of the wallow, it was adorable to watch him running straight back to his mother, looking very relieved,’ he said.

Edrich Schafer, who captured the moment, said: ‘Once the baby elephant got out of the wallow, it was adorable to watch him running straight back to his mother, looking very relieved’

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